Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Surprisingly, it hasn't been that bad of a slope yet.
Maybe I'm just expecting less.
It definitely hasn't been easy.
Will it only get steeper and darker from here on? who knows
I really don't want to deal with it.
it's like driving another nail into a coffin.
We'll see what happens, as time progresses.
Let's make a crown of gold, a heart that's
harder than stone. it hurts a whole lot
but it's missed when it's gone.

Call me a safe bet.
I'm betting I'm not.
let's hope that as time goes
we can forget.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

guess what

i don't know what to guess about.
it hurts

Thursday, December 17, 2009

IF you only knew pt deux

Ah, if you only knew my intentions and if you only knew
how it shimmers and gleams. If you only knew the inner
most being of one, being an individual and still integrate
into the masses. If you only knew that this medium was the message.
The message that's been sent was only to be received with a notion
of dismay. That message has been shot as we tend to shoot the
messenger. If the messenger only knew that there would be no
safety net, no attachment to this reality. If the messenger
only knew to look away and run, rather than face itself
and be captivated by the sinking actuality of this confinement.
If you only knew.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

If you only knew

If you only knew how much this meant to me.

Monday, December 14, 2009

green eggs and ham is not the same as green legs and spam.

Today, before I went to first period, I saw a carton of chocolate milk spilled onto the hallway floor and it inspired me to take a picture. Unfortunately, I did not have my camera at school.That image of spilled milk made me think about all of the pictures I've taken. My photography teacher from junior year once told me that he brought a camera with him, wherever he went.....and he meant wherever. I remember right after he gave me that advice, I started bring my simple point and shoot canon camera wherever I went. Luckily, one day after school, I was able to take a beautiful picture of a dragonfly lying motionless upon a concrete street. I guess what I'm trying to say.....is that I'm glad I saw that carton of chocolate milk today. I also forgot to mention, one of my friends named Amar was taking a video recording of himself all throughout the day, so that he could enter to a scholarship called A day in the life. I'm sure that whoever is reading this note, has seen the stop motion video of a man taking a picture of himself everyday for about six years. It's good to know that people love simplicity as much as complexity.

I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat...

And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And on a train.
And in a car. And in a tree.

So I will eat them in a box.
And I will eat them with a fox.
And I will eat them in a house.
And I will eat them with a mouse.
And I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Anything and Everything

I want to be prepared and ready for Your will.
I want to give Anything and Everything to You.
Allow me to have that heart.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

this road

leads to destruction.

Monday, November 30, 2009

The simplicity with one

I need consistency. Please.....Graduation come soon.

It's shifting.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


college applications are difficult.
I'm hoping that I'll have a lot of more
free time once winter break comes along.
After winter break, I'm only looking forward
to my birthday and graduation. Oh...and getting
a car in March. -_- I guess it's better sooner than later.

It's getting numb.

Monday, November 23, 2009

sunny with a high

It's thanksgiving break and I'm stuck at home.
It's not a bad thing...considering that I have to
finish up my UC apps. Today's the first day that I've
been home alone, since my relatives from Korea came.
It feels good to be able to have a quiet house.
I don't know what the upcoming months of school
have in store for me, but all I know is that
I'll be ready for whatever comes my way.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

cough syrup

I'm glad it's almost thanksgiving break.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

waste away

The only way to carry this on is to listen
and try my best to hold it in. To find myself
wanting to only say words that lost meaning.
To find myself wanting to hold on for one
thing. Maybe the only way to carry this on
is to listen to words that won't fall
upon deaf ears. I only hope you know, that
every word you say will not fall upon deaf
ears and it'll continue to drive me insane.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


let's stare into this space and take it apart
Finding the wishes, regrets, and where it all starts
tearing apart from the delicate web it's formed
words falling onto a dark velvet robe, ready to be worn
by the exact owner that takes up a mask
not wanting to be known or asked
of what they're hiding
quite obvious of what's lying
beneath the very mask is a reflection
staring back with a gaze of correction
only to be fond of what the image holds
how beauty is found within the eyes of the old
these eyes captivate as well as perplex
trying to make sense of what's so complex
the shutter clicks and the lens blink
catching a perfect scene while feeling a bit pink
embarrassed by those staring around
suddenly realizing the faint sound
calling out and beckoning to come
dropping all that's lost and done
the mask comes off and the breeze is fine
words now escape and form into a line
making a simple sentence that can be heard
"I'm ready to learn"
These simple words mean a new start
what's complex is now pulled apart
taking off all that holds down
reaching up over the top and looking around
An eye holds a captivating gaze
stopping all motion as the world sways
It blinks once and all is ready
focus now and make it steady
look back into this space find all that's apart
funny to think that took place in a heart

Monday, November 2, 2009

extra hour

I'm so happy that Day Light Savings was yesterday.
I get an extra hour of sleep. I don't feel as
drained throughout the day. The only downside
at least for today....was that school got out
two minutes later than regular time. Before,
our school time would be faster than regular...
but today it was slower........talk about major
lag. I want a car.....and I feel that I need a
car. It would make my life much easier, if I didn't
have to wait for a ride, or leave somewhere really
early because I wouldn't have a ride later on. My
friends wouldn't have to be in the same boat as me.
speaking of boats....today I saw the "IM ON A BOAT"
shirt at Journey's....and considered purchasing
the "Jesus Is My Homeboy" shirt. I would like to
have a job right now. I need to start on my
personal statement. I have cravings for candy...
at school. I love candy. I shall update this more
later on during the week. I miss you.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Her amber fists

Let's get this thing moving. Stop dragging it out.
I'm tired....the only thing that helps me get by
is that it's raining. Rain = snow = no drought
I was watching the rain fall really hard today
and thought about how when I was younger, I would
love going out to play in the rain. I'd get on a
jacket, some rain boots, and an umbrella. I found
a way to escape from everything around me and just
play in the rain. Where has my imagination gone?
Down the drain. Ha Ha Ha horrible pun
It would be nice to go out and play in the rain
once again. Maybe I shall later on this week....
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with a teenager
playing outside in the rain by himself.

Senior year is going by VERY slowly for
me. I need something new, and something
to change. Every day, the same monotonous
tone is played through the halls and every
day the blank freckled ceilings stare back
down at me. Let's start something new
and get this trend rolling.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I am free

I'll wait as long as it takes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


i got my license today. my test lady, was this short mean
asian lady. I really thought I failed, but slava bogh.
Glory to God. This week has been very blessed.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Why hello hello

Senior year feels like junior year, but with more work. hahaha
isn't that weird? I'm hoping that I pass my license test on
wednesday. I failed the first time..............and it sucks.
What is there to update? Nothing's really exciting for me....
I can't wait until I get a new desktop. I really want this
school year to go by faster. Why is it so laggy? hahah
I guess, when I feel more enthusiastic about writing in
this blog, I'll update more. I'm performing for Expressions
club tomorrow at lunch, taking my license test on wednesday
and hopefully eat lunch with Chris before he leaves to
Riverside. peace in the middle east.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Let the rain fall down!

Hilary Duff. <3

Today I saw two ladybugs mating. It was very disturbing.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Speaking of choco tacos

if you know ANYONE who passed the CAHSEE with a 4 out of 4 on the essay portion writing about CHOCO TACOS let me know....because I did :D

Some people never cease to amaze me.

I really like dark chocolate. I can never stop loving Choco tacos.

ThA ChOnG BonG : tried skinny jeans and said wtf a little too loud at the store
ThA ChOnG BonG : mom is going to korea next tuesday... party time? xD
ThA ChOnG BonG : wants to be a gi-joe when he grows up :)
ThA ChOnG BonG : is wearing his new shoes an hat =]
ThA ChOnG BonG : limited edition ramen??? ?_?
ThA ChOnG BonG : is bored. lets chill out. -____-
ThA ChOnG BonG : hates life! D:
ThA ChOnG BonG : just did the most ghetto thing in my life x3
ThA ChOnG BonG : i ,like God do not play with dice and dosent belive in coincidence.

The younger generations are getting worse and worse. this is true.
hahahahah I just want to say.....comparing me from when I was a freshman
the younger generations are definitely getting worse. XD - freshman face

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I feel no where near prepared for Ukraine.
I'm very anxious, and unprepared.
I want to be ready for His work.

Friday, July 24, 2009

So very close.

I'm very grateful, for being able to experience God's
power before we leave to Mission trip. I've been
exhausted, stressed, and tired out of my mind. It's
always relaxing to just kneel before God, and embrace
him. I guess, it helps that I've been practicing skits
too. I really get into "character". I hope that as we
prepare for Ukraine........We won't take each other
for granted. I hope that God really does amazing things
through our mission team. I'll be gone from July 27th
to August 14th, so please pray for New Life Ukraine
mission team. thanks.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lovers Tryst

Soe-lin, I'm so sorry about the way things turned out, but
I feel like it's time for us to move on. I love you, with
all my heart, from the inside out, but I'm sorry. We have
to say goodbye to each other. but I wish we could stay as
good friends like before....I love you Soe-Lin. I hope you
don't take me as a bad person.....you deserve much more better
and I hope you find another person much better than me.
I'm sorry.....but with love


In Other words............
I'm very tired and I just want one day full of rest.
No church, no going out, no anything.
just rest.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Survival list

I'll be going hunting in the woods, for the next
4 days. I'll be needing
a tent
bear repellant
Colin's magnifying glasses
rape whistle
possible tape recorder
glasses case
hiking boots


When you're surrounded by the same people for.......5 weeks straight
you start getting annoyed. You start getting irritated. You get frustrated.
Sometimes, you just want to punch them all in the face.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So time has passed. So what, if it seems like
it was all a waste of time? Even though I've
probably been affected by it a lot more than
you'd have, I guess there's still something
positive to see through it all. We learn
and move on. When the focus is put on the
past, there's never any room to move forward.
As.....lame as that might sound, it's the truth.
I've wasted a good 4-5 months, just being stuck
in the past. Those 4-5 months....won't come back.
I won't really put anything more down.

Jenny was a friend of mine

So for the past three weeks, I've been at church
literally every day. For the next.....three weeks
I'll be at church every day again....but excluding
one week for summer camp...so that's 2 weeks.
This summer is very busy, but I think it's going
to be very rewarding. I'll be gone for three weeks
in Ukraine/Eastern Europe. Hopefully, I'll be able
to take a lot of pictures and update as soon as I
come back. I guess, it's good that I've been at
church so much, but then.....I don't know. It's
just whatever for me. I'd rather be there...than
somewhere else, where I know I'll be dumb and
make bad decisions. Anyways, This summer is
somewhat eventful. It's not too bad, and I'm
not complaining. Killing time with Blockles
and Draw My Thing.

Friday, June 19, 2009

First day of summer

For the first day of summer, I slept in.
Then i woke up and ate some food and got
ready for the beach. We went off to the
beach and started skimboarding. Pretty
fun....but it was pretty hard at first.
Once I got the hang of it...like 4 hours
later :P It got very fun. We chilled,
ate tacos, and relaxed. Towards the end
of the night, We sat around the grill
had a small camp fire, since we tried
to make a bon fire that got burned
out by the high tide :| We sat around
the grill, roasted some marshmallow's
and chilled. played guitar and relaxed.
It was a great first day of summer.
hopefully, the rest won't be so bad.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Even though it's summer, and school is out...
I still feel like I have to go to school.
I still feel like I haven't grown mentally
or physically over the past 2 years in high school.
I guess, It's just a time where you realize
that you have to grow up. No matter how others
may see you, you just have to realize that
it'll always be that way. People will think
they can judge you, but no one will ever know
the truth. Stop leaning on the past so much
and get over yourself. There's a reason for
everything and, if you don't realize that now,
then you'll be repeating the same mistakes.
You'll be thinking the same thoughts, and
you'll be getting the same hopes up.
Take time to just sit back, and lay it all
down before God.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Final's week is very surreal.
It's a time, where self-actualization
is revealed to many, while others still
live in denial.
A small amount of words
can leave a huge impact.
I guess, it's just best to leave it at that.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Some people these days

A lot of things have been bugging me lately.
I guess it's just, I'm not really having as much
fun as I should be having. I've been really trying
to enjoy what's left of my junior year. I'm very
excited to be a senior, but it's so unreal that
it's finally going to be senior year for me. Just the fact that
the people I've grown so attached to, during the past
three years, will be leaving off to college and moving on.
I hope the best for everyone in the class of '09. I'm sure
a lot of you will move on to do big and great things.

Other than high school being....stupid, We'll be getting our
yearbooks this thursday. Fun stuff......
I'm pretty excited for Ukraineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
but a lot of work has to be done. I NEED TO GET SERVICE HOURS!!!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

too funny

kimchi:my dad said that I get to drive the minivan. ultimate party bus -_-
stah: you could have great sex in that van.

some people just have the most interesting conversations through aim.

Monday, May 25, 2009


the youth group had a lock-in on friday. It was a really good
time to get focused on my own walk, my priorities, and my
goals. Bonding time was also pretty fun. Hope to get more
in before I leave yg.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

It reprimands me

It's May. It's almost time for school to be over! I really can't believe
that.....class of '09 is graduating. It really seems like yesterday
that I was in 7th grade, meeting joey kao-ster and telling him
I could windmill. hahahahahha I'm really going to miss this class.
I'll update more when i feel like it.

Monday, May 18, 2009


side note - none but jesus en C

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


be happy. don't worry. be happy.

take it easy chancho.
enjoy this week, relax, and listen.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's time.

It's time to grow up. I guess it's hard to accept that everyone
is immature at times. At least for me, it's been tough to really
see people for who they are, rather than how they act around each
other. I miss you. I hope you're taking care of yourself.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

too late

Yup. you might have regrets and wish things were different, but
in the end, it's always too late. Too late to change, and too
late to get things back to how they were. P.S the world doesn't
revolve around you....so stop thinking that you don't deserve
what you get. Your actions, Your mistakes, Your consequences.

Monday, May 4, 2009


What happens when you let certain emotions take over
in a situation? Maybe, you'll let fear take control
and maybe you'll be the one to walk away without
getting an apology that you deserve. Maybe you'll
let anger take control and, just maybe, you'll
finally take a stand for what you've been holding in
for such a long time. Maybe, you'll just have no emotion
at all, just let it all go. When you work so hard for something,
and see it all go to waste...it's always painful to see.
You can call it your mistake, and then realize it as a regret,
or you can bottle it up and just forget it ever happened.
Either way, you'll learn something, and it'll probably come
back to haunt you....but that's to the extreme. Let things
just go how they're supposed to flow.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Only You

Lately, time has been going by very quickly.
I've been over analyzing too many things, and I haven't
had the time to really just sit down and think.
It feels like I've been a part of the audience, rather
than participating in a lot of things. When something
happens and I choose to just watch, I can only feel useless
and wait for the next event to occur. When I feel like
doing something, I think that I'd probably end up making the
problem worse...so I'd rather not help out at all. When there
aren't words to say, would you just come up with words that
have no real meaning? I personally think that silence and patience
would be more helpful in a situation, rather than just being fake
and trying to say meaningless words that won't really have much effect.
Since I'd rather just stay silent and let whatever pass on, people don't
really see me as the helping type in certain situations. When people
don't want to talk to you, shouldn't you just leave it at that?
I guess, I'm over analyzing whatever I'm talking about.
It won't make much sense to you, so let's move on.

I always learn something huge, around this time of year. I learn from
past mistakes and huge regrets. Since there isn't much you can do about
either of them, you just have to learn your lesson and move on.
I guess I screwed up a lot this year, but no one's perfect.
I guess by saying no one's perfect...it's been overused.
Now, what I mean by overused, is like saying "I love you"
or "Sorry" so many times, that it loses it's original meaning.
No one's perfect. It's so true, and yet so many people use it
as an excuse. Pretty sad to think about.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


spring break is over, but it's cool. I needed a break.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

mission peak?

Since it's break now, I can update on what you've been missing out on.
Not much....Just enjoying the free time that I have, and not doing
a lot of work. Been playing basketball with Bronas Bros, and today
we went hiking to Mission Peak at 6am. Well..... we woke up at 5:30-5:40 ish
and met Jlee's at mission peak. We started around 7, got to the top around
8:45 ish. We took most of the shortcuts, including one that was very
very.... rocky and unpleasant. Besides that, we had a lot of fun, took
some cool pictures, and recorded videos...but those won't be up since
it takes youtube FOREVER to upload a stupid video. Don't really have other
plans for spring break, except head out to the movies and hopefully fish
on thursday. That will be the highlight of my break. Enjoy the pictures
we have taken.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

ONE OH one.

so I felt nostalgic and decided to open up my 6th grade yearbook.
So many memories were packed into that 60 page book. Old
friends, good times, and even the bad memories that
stayed because we chose to make something fun out
of it. Let's take for example the field trip to
Lake Elizabeth. Otherwise known as the 6th grade
picnic. The weather was perfect, the birds were
cleared out, and the food was eh... alright.
A lot of the kids didn't want to eat the
Samosas that we got since it was indian.
Very immature to think like that, but hey,
we were 11-12. One unpleasant memory that I had
from this event was that our teachers were being
very unreasonable and telling us to stay within
our own classes. So the kids from room 17 could only
stay with the kids from room 17. All of my close friends
were seperated into different rooms, so I was in
a very bitter mood. Eventually, we thought about
some plan, and made the most out of the opportunity
we were given. We played tag, talked about the summer,
talked about skating, tried to impress each other by
doing stupid stunts like jumping the farthest from
a swing, and even made up some games to pass the

I feel sorry for elementary kids these days,
because I feel that they're not getting the
same experiences. I think they're being affected
the most with the budget cuts and school staff
being fired. Hopefully this will all clear up
I want to go visit Ardenwood sometime soon, but I
feel that nothing will be familiar. Most of my old
teachers either moved or retired. I really hope some
are still around.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

One Hundred.

It's official. Shaq is crazy. 3/26/09 Shaq found strange inscriptions on a NBA
basketball game, and demanded that he take a closer look at it.
During the whole game, he kept asking team mates and even
the referee to check on the ball.
He is quoted as saying "And if the One True Ball is a mere mental construct, an ideal of perfection, then by extrapolation it becomes impossible to verify that the NBA or life as we know it is even real. Perhaps we are all stuck in separate adjacent dimensions and never actually interact with one another. I can only believe that encrypted in that seeming gibberish is a deeper meaning, perhaps the ancient secrets of the known universe or even the NBA itself. "Which ultimately means that we are caught in some kind of cosmic lie," O'Neal added. "All my efforts to create a Shaqtopia were for naught."

The answer was left at a question. At least, it was for New Life.
We left right around when the worship started, so we weren't able
to participate in it. Oh well. School is almost over, and then comes
summer. then school, and then summer.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ninety nine

wanting to just rest, waiting on being blessed.
looking back, seeing the choices made... their impact starting to fade
thinking too much, or just not doing enough, you call the bluff.
we see how things start to come together, when things seem to be
falling apart.
the master plan is finally laid out, and directions given a direct route.
so let's pick up our packs, and head on out.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Since I have Nothing Better To Be Doing

I've decided that I'm going to take some time to sum
up how junior year has been for me. It's 6 months into the
almost ending school year, and it has been probably
the most boring of my high school years to date.
This year has been full of classes that I don't
really need to take, teachers that don't really
need to teach, and people that are still coming
to realize who they really are. There was a very
low point for me and that was around the time of
winter break. My dog died on the friday before we
got off to break, our car got broken into on new
year's eve, and our house got broken into around
the middle of January. Personal problems also
arose, but they were just thorns in my side
compared to those bigger issues. These problems
just kept on piling after another, and I kept
asking myself, "Do I really deserve this?". Now
that I look back and really think about it,
I was completely off track with God, and my
spiritual walk was drained. I had no sense
of direction and no sense of reality. Things
are starting to get a little more clear for me,
but some things are still very hazy. I can't
seem to understand God's reasoning for whatever
happens in my life, but I've learned that I need
to follow with faith. Now faith itself is simply
meaning to have a firm belief in something for
which there is no proof. It also means to have
complete trust. So "living by faith and not by sight"
can mean that you have to give up holding onto the
world, and just being in it. It can mean turning
from your old self, and completely surrendering
to God's hand and will. It can mean something
as simple as trusting that God will help
you to pass your permit test. For me, I think
that I need prayer and faith the most at the
moment. It's going to be rough and a constant
challenge to grow in my faith, but I know for
a fact that when I've felt that I reached a
goal, God will present me with an even harder
goal. This is how I see God. He never stops
loving you and never stops to amaze you.
Right when you think that you're finished with
something, God gives you a huge second helping to
finish. Now I keep forgetting that it's not me
who's going to be rewarded. It's all for God's
glory. So this week, my goal is to really apply
myself and do QT twice a day, and to pray.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ninety seven

If you don't want to get on my bad side, please never waste my time.

other than that, you'll be okay.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

nine 6

Listening to some old songs bring back
really good memories for me. I like
motion city again. I need to get a
list of what I need to get done.

Distribute money accordingly to things
that I really want.
1) dd7 delay pedal
2) patch cables
3)super compressor pedal
4)sell shoes to make money
5) possibly buy more shoes

Monday, February 23, 2009

90 five

Always be grateful for life.
A lot of people that I know
really don't know that I was born
January 23, 1992 2 and 1/2 months premature.
A lot of people don't know that I had stitches
next to my right temple and that I had to be in
an incubator. They always ask, "Is that a part of
your hair cut? hahaha man someone must've not liked you."
A lot of people don't know that I have a huge
scar that's running across my lower left rib cage.
I take a lot of things for granted and I should be
thankful for being where I am. Thank you God.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


It's very hard to sit here
and realize that season's really over.
All the hard work, sweat, and frustration
that's gone into those long and very tiring
four months has come to an end. Sure I didn't
get to wrestle at MVAL's, but I'm okay with
the season ending at that. It's been really hard
but I've come out with my head up. I can say that
I finally finished what I wanted to do. I know
I won't have any regrets. There were a lot of
moments to be remembered and people I probably
won't end up forgetting. I'm grateful for them
and I'm grateful for being a part of the team.
It's gonna be weird, coming home at 3 pm and
not having to worry about my weight, or
what i'm going to be eating. It's going to be
weird, finally focusing just on school and
being around the same people. I guess that
things turned out pretty good for me this year.
without wrestling, I'd still be 168+, really lazy,
grumpy, unhappy, and unmotivated. Now I'm 142, happy,
motivated, and very focused. I really have to get back
into the Word. Life's been really challenging for me.

prayer request- for me to start reading the Word more
diligently, and to take time out of my day to focus
on prayer.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

93 93 93

IM DONE!!!!! pretty okay season for me this year.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

almost at 100, and some good news

good news is that I don't have mono. I should be getting better within the week, at the latest, next week.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


still sick. got antibiotics, and more medicine. can't wrestle anymore. great way to end season huh?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sometimes I do...

So I've been sick for the past 4 weeks. It SUCKS.
This is the longest I've been sick in my life.
:( cheer me up.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Giver

The Giver is an interesting book. it's set in a future utopia, where life is seemingly perfect.
They get pills that suppress emotions.
and they ride bikes.
and they eat pills to get rid of pain.
and they get jobs assigned to them after 6th grade.
and they have some old guy, who takes in all the emotion
and pain
and past history.
he gives it to some kid
and the kid runs away.
great book huh?

anyways I think I wanna read the sequel which was released in 2004. 6 years after the first book was published.
today i went to the hospital to get some antibiotics
or anything to help me feel better,
but all they did was write down some
otc drugs. some help. I wish i had some eagle powers.
those eggs were a lie stevens.

edit) I have peace of mind. right now, I'm very
relaxed. my fingers are cold as I'm typing. things
don't turn out the way you want them to, but
as long as it's the truth, that's what matters.
that's in a song by relient k.
but other than that, there isn't much to do
except keep my head up and move forward.
Now.....to sum up the week so far, it's been
very much like a roller coaster. a lot
of ups and downs, but as of right now, it's looking up.
I have peace of mind. I think this is patience.
Now I could be wrong, and just have endorphins running all
through my body, or I can accept this as patience
from God. For those strangers or just really
nosy (just kidding) people who like reading my blog,
hope you're enjoying it. I know I'm happy with
where things are. At least, I will be.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


you have to go through tribulations before you gain patience.
I just realized that I try to handle everything by myself.
I never really turn to God and ask for him to help.
That's why I usually break down, and end up building
back up from scratch. From now on, I need to really start
relying on others, but more importantly, on God.

On a lighter note, let's finish wrestling strong! only two more weeks to go, and then FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

Monday, February 9, 2009


It's really cold tonight. I wish my window was fixed, and I had a dog.
Then there would have never been a break in. speaking of break ins
You should watch Dane Cook B&E. it's quite hilarious. I'll update the blog
later. My cough is clearing up and my nose is getting less stuffy.
today I had a stuffy nose, but also a runny nose. It was very rare. Someone doesn't
think it's possible, but I will reassure you that it is.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

how funny

some people just have all the luck. I wonder why some people
just have all the luck, and nothing ever goes wrong for them.
Are they behaving a certain way or saying certain things
that make them that way? I don't really know, and I have
this void in my heart. It's constantly pointing out,
that I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't say anything
or provoke anyone. So why does it feel so unfair? Maybe
this is just a blessing in disguise. A good friend of mine
pointed that out to me. I don't know, I guess it's kinda hard
for me to really put that into context. I feel that I was
targeted in some way. Okay, it just happened to be my room
that they broke into, and then just left without taking anything.
I'm glad that they didn't take anything, but I still feel like
everything was unfair. A blessing in disguise.....I can't really
say that I see the blessing in that, but then again, I'm very
short-sighted when it comes to seeing goals. I'm selfish, impatient
naive, and stubborn, but God still loves me. I hope you know that
He loves you too.

I still miss my dog.

Friday, February 6, 2009

real bad luck

I come home, find my window broken, smashed. My house gets broken into, muddy foot prints all over my room. Cops still aren't here. I'm freaked out. They didn't take anything....but still.

Monday, February 2, 2009


post. Life is pretty good right now. A lot of things are winding down, and I'm very relaxed. I don't really have a lot to say, but there isn't much to fill in either.

I miss my dog.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I got a way to let you know.

Hello. Since I'm way too distracted to be studying for finals, and since I don't really care anymore, I'll be updating my blog.
It's the end of January, the end of first semester, and the end to wrestling (almost).
Pretty crazy how fast time passes by. I'm looking forward to a lot of things ending. I know that sounds bad, but not from my perspective. To me, it's more like a new start for everything. I'm currently coughing every 2 minutes, and wearing my retainers. i have a huge lisp. Things have been getting better for me, but I want my life to be more eventful.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


status - QT last night and once in the morning today. Keep it consistent!

Monday, January 19, 2009


As I'm sitting here, wasting time, I'm feeling very relaxed. haha I know that wasting time is never good, but it's been a long time since I've felt at ease. I should be studying for SAT's, which I will be taking this saturday, and doing my homework. I should also be studying for my physics test this wednesday, and getting ready for finals next week....but knowing me, I'm gonna put it off until later. Hopefully not too late. I've done that too many times. hahah. Goal for this week - QT 2X a day. and real QT, not just "open the bible, read one sentence, and then close it." Will be updated friday/saturday.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The New Year

The new year is starting off very slow, but before I know it, it's going to be June. Seniors will be graduating and I'll be a senior soon. It's been pretty rough, these past few months. I've gone through a lot, and I'm hoping to go through more. I feel like I'm not being challenged enough and nothing serious ever comes to mind. It's like I have a plan to do something useful for my life, but it kinda goes to the back of my head and I just focus on myself. I've come to realize how selfish I am. I take way too many things for granted as well as people. I need to take time to clear my head, get right on track, and relax. Just one more month to go!