Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Giver

The Giver is an interesting book. it's set in a future utopia, where life is seemingly perfect.
They get pills that suppress emotions.
and they ride bikes.
and they eat pills to get rid of pain.
and they get jobs assigned to them after 6th grade.
and they have some old guy, who takes in all the emotion
and pain
and past history.
he gives it to some kid
and the kid runs away.
great book huh?

anyways I think I wanna read the sequel which was released in 2004. 6 years after the first book was published.
today i went to the hospital to get some antibiotics
or anything to help me feel better,
but all they did was write down some
otc drugs. some help. I wish i had some eagle powers.
those eggs were a lie stevens.

edit) I have peace of mind. right now, I'm very
relaxed. my fingers are cold as I'm typing. things
don't turn out the way you want them to, but
as long as it's the truth, that's what matters.
that's in a song by relient k.
but other than that, there isn't much to do
except keep my head up and move forward. sum up the week so far, it's been
very much like a roller coaster. a lot
of ups and downs, but as of right now, it's looking up.
I have peace of mind. I think this is patience.
Now I could be wrong, and just have endorphins running all
through my body, or I can accept this as patience
from God. For those strangers or just really
nosy (just kidding) people who like reading my blog,
hope you're enjoying it. I know I'm happy with
where things are. At least, I will be.

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