Friday, August 22, 2008

Sometimes a man wears stretchy pants in his room.. its for fun

Sometimes, things tend to get a little to hectic for me, and I forget that God is the One in control of anything and everything. I forget that God can pull anyone out of any situation as long as that person is willing to ask God for the help. It's amazing how we can forget how much God is working in our lives and live as though He didn't exist. At least...that's how it feels for me sometimes. I forget about God's mercy, his compassion, his NEVER-ENDING love for us, and at many instances I forget about God's patience. Before winter retreat comes, or during winter retreat, I want to feel God's joy and patience. I've felt his mercy and love. It was amazing. I don't need to tell the world of my faults and my imperfections. I shall end this post by saying, Make sure your actions reflect who you are....and know your place in this world.

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