Friday, August 1, 2008

so today

So today i had a very very very interesting dream. For the most part, I just remember Me, Kevin, and Allen shin. I think it was some church thing or we were on mission trip somewhere, and apparently i was in Cambodia with them. We went to this Korean restaurant in Cambodia and I ordered Jja-Jjang myun. The lady said to go sit and they'd bring it over to I went to go sit at the table with Kevin and church ppls. Then I wait for like an hour.....and it never comes so I go and ask what happened to my food, and she said oh it already went out. and then I see Allen eating my jja-jjang myun so I get furious and I start yelling at him at the top of my lungs. And then Kevin should blog about this atrocity. Then I woke up laughing. hahah :]

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