Saturday, August 30, 2008


Society is so stupid. So many people fall into the fad of fashion, money, and almost everything that has to do with what's "in". Now that I look back to everything I've sold, whether it's shoes, clothes, or miscellaneous items, what was the point? Yeah I get money, but I never remember what I spend it on. I either spend it on something, or just save it. money is useless. fashion is useless. Just keep what you have and don't sell anything except maybe something too small for you. Something you won't regret selling.


No one is perfect. Of course no one is to blame, and we shouldn't be judging anyone, but it's human nature. It's human nature that I feel a certain dislike of people who try to act perfect but still act like they're no different from someone next to them. Let me explain this a little more. Of course a christian is one who acts like Christ. I know that I have my faults. I know that I mess up. I know that my actions reflect my character. What's amazing is that...we as human beings...condemn each other for our wrongs. If I make one small mistake, someone will immediately point that out and put me on the spot. Is it wrong to be so judgmental? I don't think so. The way I see it.... is that....if we as christians fall and stumble, we're put on the spot because we're supposed to be like "Christ". That's in a literal term. Because Jesus died on the cross for us, shouldn't we be saved and happy? No. We should strive to be like Christ in every way we can. Of course it's hard, and it's almost impossible for most people, but what keeps us from trying to be like Him? Is it the fear of being caught up for your mistakes? Is it the fear of being judged by everyone around you? Maybe it's the fear of not being accepted. It could be the fear of the sacrifices you have to make in order to follow Christ. Honestly, I have all of those fears. It's only human that you feel that way. If you don't have any of those fears...then kudos to you. Some people out there are always looking for faults that christians have. What can you do about it? sure you can read your bible and pray...but really...what does that do if your faith in God isn't solid? Personally....I can say that my faith and belief in God is as solid as a rock. I'm judged almost everyday. by christians and nonchristians alike. So what keeps me up and believing in what I believe in? My personal relationship with God. Theres no way to describe it. It's a personal relationship. Yeah I'm not perfect. I sin. I do things I'm not supposed to do....but what gives you the right to judge me? What gives you the right as a human being to say what's right and wrong? The way I see it...this world is controlled by the Devil. he finds ways to make you fall and to drive you away from God in any way possible. He can turn everyone away from you. He can make your life take crazy turns and put you in situations that you think you can't handle. I know that I've gone through it, and I'm far from escaping it, but God will either make me go through it, to come back up stronger, or allow me to go through it because of my stupidity and shortsightedness. God can guide you and help you through any block the devils put in front of you. Everyone has their shortcomings, but thanks to God, we're given the chance to live our lives with God guiding us in anything and everything if we just accept that no one is perfect, that we're sinners, and if we believe that God sent his one and only pure, perfect, blameless, and righteous son Jesus to die for our sins to allow us to have a personal relationship with God and if we ask God to be in control of anything and everything in our lives. I might be wrong and I might just be rambling about nothing, but this is what I believe in.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer's End

Summer is coming to an end. Surprisingly, this summer's been pretty eventful. I wasn't really looking forward to summer school, but I got it done. 6 weeks of waking up at 6:40 and not coming home till 1 ish monday through thursday. I met a lot of people, and I had a pretty fun time. I'm not saying that I'd want to go again, but it wasn't really a waste of time. I worked out for most of the summer and ate healthy for some time. I met some new people here and there, and I had fun. Sure there was a downside, but that's just life. I wish I went on mission trip, but oh well. There's going to be plenty of more opportunites. Hopefully as summer ends and the new school year begins, I'll be able to stay on task and get my priorities straight. I really hope I can pull through with wrestling and badminton. If I can't...then oh well. at least I'll know that I tried. High school - don't leave with regrets.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I wish

I wish that I had some food in my house. :( i'm really hungry. I wish I had a band, and better guitar equipment. There's not much to entertain me right now. I've been through a lot of different phases, but I'm kinda disappointed in myself that I don't really take guitar that seriously anymore. When I first started playing back in 7th grade, I just picked it up because it was something to take up my time. Now after about 3 years and 9 months, Sure I've learned a bunch of new things, and I've played music that I never thought I would, but it just doesn't appeal to me that much anymore.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I used to really be into poetry back in Freshman through Sophomore year. I would write anything that would help me get through some tough situations. It used to be my way to vent and just get a lot of things off my mind. I haven't really been thinking about how the past two years went, but it's whatever. What's done is done.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sometimes a man wears stretchy pants in his room.. its for fun

Sometimes, things tend to get a little to hectic for me, and I forget that God is the One in control of anything and everything. I forget that God can pull anyone out of any situation as long as that person is willing to ask God for the help. It's amazing how we can forget how much God is working in our lives and live as though He didn't exist. At least...that's how it feels for me sometimes. I forget about God's mercy, his compassion, his NEVER-ENDING love for us, and at many instances I forget about God's patience. Before winter retreat comes, or during winter retreat, I want to feel God's joy and patience. I've felt his mercy and love. It was amazing. I don't need to tell the world of my faults and my imperfections. I shall end this post by saying, Make sure your actions reflect who you are....and know your place in this world.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


today i got a battlescar. it was pretty crazy, but now it's sucks :[ hhaha man it's so stupid how i got it too. I climbed over my backyard fence today when I was walking to Kevin's and my hand got cut off of the fence. Oh I saw american cross country run from american all the way down to my house. lol hella far. I think it's like 4 or 6 miles going from american to my house and back....but anyways they're beasts :] I went to maze, waited in line forever, got my picture taken....and it was really akward. then i got my schedule. it doesn't look too fun this year :[ I really hope I can get Hashimoto for Alg 2. other than that, everything was peachy......but today at open mat, I was with this one fat white kid. He's gonna be an 8th grader I think.......but I've never met anyone smell that bad before. I swear I smelled him even when I got home. it was pretty bad. 2 weeks before school starts. gotta make the best of it!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh and I guess we made it, or at least we made it this far.. we are, about to start Junior year and ready for a fresh start! Today is maze for seniors and juniors. It's gonna be fun to see old friends and maybe make new ones. I feel a lot wiser and more aware of my surroundings now. Theres open mat today too. man I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. hahaha. One thing that really got me thinking was how I always say what I want, but I never actually pull through with it. It's been a really big problem for me within the past few years, but this year, I'm planning on changing that. I'm going to try my best to stick with all the things that I've said I'm going to stick with. I need to read more books too. OH! very exciting news. I'm losing weight. :D I don't know how much I weigh, but it's showing from mah belly. :] hahaha it's gonna be a lot of hard work, but nothing worth gaining comes easy. well.........I'm gonna go play starcraft for a bit, and then............probably go to american around like 11 ish, and then go to maze, open mat, and then come home. most likely to exchange my coins for cash at coinstar and then go to Kevin's and play some more starcraft :D It's been a good summer. got 2 weeks to enjoy the rest of it :]

Saturday, August 16, 2008


send your reign was very good. i liked the speaker. p.s im sweaty

Friday, August 15, 2008


got my shotty :D it's hella strong. hahaha i just need a pistol and a hi-cap mag now. much moneys. OH and i got my uke :D but i gotta get it checked out. there's something wrong with it D:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I hate tutor. I hate how summer is so boring. I hate having no food at home. I need to find something to get me off my feet. I've been going to Kevin's for the past like 5 days in a row. tee hee. We swam for the past 3. Oh So fun :]

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why Hello

I miss you.

Anyways, I just stayed up, waiting to see a meteor shower........but I didn't see much. just a lot of stars.....the lamp-post right next to my house.....and something twinkling. I had to carry my dog with me outside, so he wouldn't bark. Maybe I'll go outside in a bit. anyways my summer JUST started. Summer school's out. Still got tutor, but whatever. one year. I have Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the computer, but too lazy to watch it. I might watch it, and then go to sleep, or sleep and then watch it later. Open mat tomorrow? depends on what time i wake up. OH and today I bought new shoes :] pretty happy. YEAH!

I've been swimming a lot too.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


So I went to open mat for wrestling yesterday. Man.......I was so sore afterwards. Sigh...I guess that just means I have to get in shape. hahaha.

Plan for the weeks before summer ends -
Run/Jog everyday to Kevin's y practice stance/takedowns.
Try to eat healthy.
Maybe work out i.e. pushups, situps, pullups, jumprope, jog some more.
get clothes
maybe cut hair
catch up with mi amigos
pray a lot more
qt errrrrday
relax and enjoy summer.

I've been sleeping during the day after I got back from summer school, and also at night. I'm guessing that during one day, I'd sleep 10-11 hours total. very good. I hope that everyone updates their blogs soon. it's boring reading the same ones over and over. Not that I's just some people might want to read about their personal lives. :P hahaha jk.

Friday, August 1, 2008

so today

So today i had a very very very interesting dream. For the most part, I just remember Me, Kevin, and Allen shin. I think it was some church thing or we were on mission trip somewhere, and apparently i was in Cambodia with them. We went to this Korean restaurant in Cambodia and I ordered Jja-Jjang myun. The lady said to go sit and they'd bring it over to I went to go sit at the table with Kevin and church ppls. Then I wait for like an hour.....and it never comes so I go and ask what happened to my food, and she said oh it already went out. and then I see Allen eating my jja-jjang myun so I get furious and I start yelling at him at the top of my lungs. And then Kevin should blog about this atrocity. Then I woke up laughing. hahah :]