Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Nostalgia is a great feeling. When you walk past an old street, when you talk to old friends, when you listen to a certain song....it just feels so right......but then you start to feel a certain emotion of guilt, or sorrow. You begin to wonder why things turned out the way they did. or maybe you just smile and say "wow, was I stupid or what?" Either way, Nostalgia brings back memories. It's never really good to go back to the past, but sometimes I can't help it. I hate it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Who is it that welcomes us with open arms? Who is it that pushes us to do the seemingly impossible, even if our faith is that of a mustard seed? Who is it that under every condition or through whatever action we take is always with us? Who is it that longs to see us and hear from us every single day of our lives? The answer? I'm sure whoever is reading this already knows. I just felt like sharing this amazing video with a very powerful meaning.


Anyways, I had a really rough morning today. Things were just not what I expected. Same with Friday. A lot of little mishaps turned into one very unpleasant night. Today after church, I went over Tony's house to work out. Surprisingly enough, as I was on his computer, I watched that video, and it made me realize that NOTHING matters when God is in control. It doesn't matter if someone doesn't listen to you no matter how many times you tell them what you want, or if it seems like you're too far gone to come back to God, or even if you think that you're wasting your time somewhere. The thing is, God really does work in mysterious ways. He made me forget about all of my problems, even if it was after church, and just told me to calm down and get my priorities straight.

Friday, July 25, 2008

good morning!

I love it when I get a very good night's sleep, that I wake up not realizing what day it is. hahaha I think this is the most sleep I've gotten the entire summer. 11 hours. yay. I've been thinking about cutting my hair, but for now, I've decided to keep it.

I already know that I overthink things and I overanalyze way too much, but lately, it's been getting worse. I'm positive that the Devil's just pulling me off course of what God wants me to do. He's putting all of these blocks in front of me so that I can turn away from God, but I need to submerse myself within God's love, his Word, and just trust in him. For those that read this, please pray for me that God will be able to guide me and teach me as well as rebuke me so that I can be ready for his Will. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. 1 Corinthians 10:13

Other than that, my life's been pretty peachy. Summer school is almost over! two more weeks. My normal routine for the day has gone from waking up, summer school, getting home, to tony's house, then working out, then tennis. But yesterday we went fishing and no one got a bite. It's okay. Theres always next time. :D Now I have to do SAT tutor homework and study. but first breakfast! so hopefully today will be a good day.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Summer is very monotonous, but it is also somewhat eventful. We went fishing today, but did not catch a thing. It's okay. We took a lot of pictures. The gang was Bae, Tony, Justin, Jeeae, Kevin, and myself. Hopefully next time we go, we'll get a bite. I'm waiting for summer school to end. I would like to have a job, so if anyone knows of any positions that are open and hiring, let me know :] . 2 more weeks of summer school! Can't wait. I like wearing 97 cent sweatbands.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I should be unashamed to lift up your name and your greatness in my life. I should be unashamed to call upon your name for mercy and grace. I should be unashamed to come before you with everything and lay it all down. I should be unashamed to stand here in my brokenness complete. These are many of the things that I should be unashamed of, but I am ashamed. For one reason, I'm here in this place. I let it happen. So just pray that God will bring me back.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Today, Tony Joo got a Tennis Racket for $8 and I got a sweatband for 97 cents. Today is a great day.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Haven't updated in a while......

But here it goes. for the past three weeks, it's been full of Working out, fishing, tennis, eating healthy, as well as of course church. I'm too lazy right now, so I'll fill it in later.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sometimes I wish that things didn't have to be so complicated. Sometimes I wish that it was easy. It's never going to be, so might as well work harder than ever. Work hard. Play hard.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I wish I had money. I wish I could buy the things I want. I wish money never existed. I know none of that made sense. lol :D

Saturday, July 12, 2008

the eff?

I have a red X scar on my back. I have no clue how it got there. :[

Stress sucks.


Friday, July 11, 2008


man I miss 8th grade. A lot of good memories back then. Now it's just stress, stress, and more stress. Stupid high school. 2 years. 2 MORE YEARS! then all will be done and a new part of my life will begin. Just keep focused on the things that need to get done. Work hard, Play hard. For the past 2 weeks, it's been filled with working out, fishing, eating tacos, and lately swimming :D.....but I wanna go catch that damn shark. Hopefully we'll go soon. the heat is unbearable.

Note to self- Go shop for shorts/jeans
outlet shopping for the best bang for your buck
work out
study T_T
Stay out of the sun.

Now onto my dream - It was very weird. I was at some huge building with random people. I only remember Kevin,Tony, and Justin for some reason. We have to get out of the building, and we're in this arcade room. I find two bats and give one to Justin. Then we somehow get out and leave in a car. Then I wake up like 0_0. fun

Monday, July 7, 2008

To Whom It May Concern,

If you understood the complexity of how the human mind worked, would you still be here wondering how and why it happened? If you had a hint of the struggle and ache that this person had to go through, would you still be expecting that special moment or person to be there to pick you up where you had fallen? Try and take a look back and examine everything that's occurred within the past few months. Were they just fate? Or maybe it was the consequence of your actions and your selfish ambitions. Regardless of these words and whatever effect they've had on you, Just move forward. These things in the past are only holding you back from what you've been truly seeking. Don't go back.




SB is the best!!

I should remember to log out of stuff when I use other people's computers!



Saturday, July 5, 2008


DUDE WHAT THE EFF? i just found a salamander in my house........like right outside my brother's door. i caught it in a water bottle......but WHAT THE EFF DUDE?~! HOW THE HELL DID IT GET IN HERE?! pictures later.

EDIT - I forgot to tell about my fourth of July. Happy belated America! hahaha. anyways So the day started off with my 10 am Jog to Kevin Lee's jeep. Then I greeted him with a special "sweaty" hello. Then I ate some of his food and chilled. Then we went over to Sarah Brown's for an EM picnic. buhaha. Picnic crashers. Then there was an unpleasant occurrence, but whatever. Then we went swimming and chilled. We bought fireworks with Foxey bae bae and then we went back to Sb's. We made some legal fireworks uhmmmm special with Foxey bae bae's street knowledge. the Jooster had a very nice time with the sparklers a.k.a. kiddie works from K dawg. We lit fireworks and had a smashing time. Then we went back to K dawg's and chilled. Came home, slept, woke up at 9:30 cause I thought I had tutor at 10 but HE DIDNT COME UNTIL LIKE 12. I was upset but not too much. Now I'm thinking of what I'm going to do. probably go to the Jooster's and chill there. Have a good day Bloggy.

Later -

Thursday, July 3, 2008


It seems like blogspot is catching on. I remember back in 7th grade, my science teacher made us use this. He was ahead of his time. His name was Mr. Mann. hahahah what a funny guy. He used to hang his wet/used speedos on top of the classroom heater. it was gross. A couple years before I got to Thornton, I heard it dropped on some kid's head. sucks to be him. lol. Man this week went by really fast. Actually.....this summer's been pretty fast. Seems like yesterday that we got out of school. the past routine of everyday from monday-wednesday has been go to summer school :[, come home, go to Joo's house, work out like a beast, and then on tuesday we went fishing for 15 min, then on wednesday we went and ALMOST CAUGHT A LEOPARD SHARK, and then after all that excitement we go eat tacos. Today was a rest day for all of us. Somewhere in between all that, we washed Bae's car and ate steak. Very fun :] I think this summer is going to be a smash. BUT on an important note......God's been speaking to me in very different, but important ways this week. One was that he helped me focus my mind on praise team, and what I need to get accomplished as a praise leader, but I forgot what it was. I hate this. I think of something really important, but I forget it. Another thing was just to trust in him. I've been doing QT this whole week and it's helped out a lot. I'm hoping to make it a habit. I'm looking forward to Winter Retreat. A lot actually. Just because I need a Spiritual push. I mean I should be striving for that every day, but I'm going to try my best to keep it on a consistent level. Let's hope for the best!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


TODAY WE ALMOST CAUGHT A LEOPARD SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!