Friday, December 19, 2008

winter break

It's not supposed to be 30 degrees fahrenheit in fremont during the winter.My dog isn't supposed to be this sick. I'm not supposed to be under so much stress. There are a lot of things that aren't supposed to happen, but it happens anyways. I should be like Job. No matter what happened in his life, He stuck by God and trusted in him. I need that mindset. No matter what is thrown in front of me, I need to trust and believe in my God. Now you can read about my personal problems and just say "Oh wow this guy's life sucks...or wow... He's pretty religious." I have no reason to tell you about my life. I only write on this to remind myself of the struggles that I've gone through in the past, to overcome and establish a new mark. I write on here to remind myself that I change. I write on here to remind myself that I'm never perfect. I tend to forget a lot about the struggles that I go through, and I'm too selfish to help out others when I see the same problems. There are always ups and downs, but I still come out with my head held up high.


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