Saturday, December 27, 2008

rest in peace

rest in peace milly. You were a great dog. I remember seeing you when you first came to my house. You were so shy and nervous. You even had a pink collar. After a couple weeks, you became a brat. Always hanging next to my mom, or looking for my brother. They were your favorites. I loved it when you came crying to go to the bathroom. You're the only dog that I know who does that. You would never go pee or poo in the house ever. That's a small reason why mom loved you so much. I knew that you went through a lot of hate and abuse with your previous owner, but when you came into our house, I knew you were going to forget about all that. My mom loved you like you were her own son. You would always try and get her attention. I miss you. I miss how you would always come to me only if I had food, or you wanted to go to the bathroom. You would always cry and beg for me to pick you up and put you on my bed at 4am. I miss you so much right now. When I got home and found you on the floor, I knew something was wrong. You would be able to get back up and usually walk around, but when I saw that you had no strength for anything, I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry you were in so much pain, and I'm sorry I treated you wrong at times. You already know how much the family loved you, but I wish you knew how much I really cared about you. I know that I shouldn't be so attached to a pet, but you were really like a little brother to me. I always had to take care of you and watch out for you,but those were the best times I've had. After I lost grandma, I would've always been home alone and sad. I'm thankful for having you be a part of my life for the past three years.

rip milly. 8/6/05 - 12/19/08

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