Wednesday, December 24, 2008

No title.

New Life youth went to a retreat to Yosemite Prayer Mountain. To be honest with you, I wasn't expecting much. The week before retreat was just horrible, and I was starting to lose trust in God. Shocker huh? Life seems to get harder when you try to get closer to God. at least that's how it is for me. As we got to the retreat place, we unloaded and had worship. During that worship, we had a time of just meditation for some, crying out to God for others, or just to worship. I wasn't yelling at the top of my lungs, screaming out to God, and asking why he was making my life so hard. I was just listening to others pray. I was hearing the prayers of true believers. They weren't praying for themselves, they were praying, with a fire, for their fellow brothers and sisters in christ. They were asking God to comfort, lift up, and just guide whoever it was they were praying for. I wasn't sad or gloomy about the whole dog situation. I was just looking for escape from all of this. From the drama, friends, family, personal problems. I was at the retreat to really experience isolation from the world, and to experience God. My goal was to just listen for God. It was to just hear what God wanted to tell me. One verse that stuck out to me was Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.

This verse is so beautiful. Especially in the morning when it's just time between you and God. Be STILL and KNOW that I AM GOD. usually in the morning, that's when my thinking switch is turned off, but when I read that verse, I really just meditated on it. God showed me that prayer and QT is very essential to your faith.

As for being back home, I feel like I'm being bombed with thousands of problems and conflicts. Our leader Mike said that it would happen. He said that the Devil is out there to bring us down and drive us away from God. It's not going to happen. I'm ready take on whatever the Devil has in store, because I have God on my side. As corny as that sounds, I'm not backing down.

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