Sunday, March 29, 2009

ONE OH one.

so I felt nostalgic and decided to open up my 6th grade yearbook.
So many memories were packed into that 60 page book. Old
friends, good times, and even the bad memories that
stayed because we chose to make something fun out
of it. Let's take for example the field trip to
Lake Elizabeth. Otherwise known as the 6th grade
picnic. The weather was perfect, the birds were
cleared out, and the food was eh... alright.
A lot of the kids didn't want to eat the
Samosas that we got since it was indian.
Very immature to think like that, but hey,
we were 11-12. One unpleasant memory that I had
from this event was that our teachers were being
very unreasonable and telling us to stay within
our own classes. So the kids from room 17 could only
stay with the kids from room 17. All of my close friends
were seperated into different rooms, so I was in
a very bitter mood. Eventually, we thought about
some plan, and made the most out of the opportunity
we were given. We played tag, talked about the summer,
talked about skating, tried to impress each other by
doing stupid stunts like jumping the farthest from
a swing, and even made up some games to pass the

I feel sorry for elementary kids these days,
because I feel that they're not getting the
same experiences. I think they're being affected
the most with the budget cuts and school staff
being fired. Hopefully this will all clear up
I want to go visit Ardenwood sometime soon, but I
feel that nothing will be familiar. Most of my old
teachers either moved or retired. I really hope some
are still around.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

One Hundred.

It's official. Shaq is crazy. 3/26/09 Shaq found strange inscriptions on a NBA
basketball game, and demanded that he take a closer look at it.
During the whole game, he kept asking team mates and even
the referee to check on the ball.
He is quoted as saying "And if the One True Ball is a mere mental construct, an ideal of perfection, then by extrapolation it becomes impossible to verify that the NBA or life as we know it is even real. Perhaps we are all stuck in separate adjacent dimensions and never actually interact with one another. I can only believe that encrypted in that seeming gibberish is a deeper meaning, perhaps the ancient secrets of the known universe or even the NBA itself. "Which ultimately means that we are caught in some kind of cosmic lie," O'Neal added. "All my efforts to create a Shaqtopia were for naught."

The answer was left at a question. At least, it was for New Life.
We left right around when the worship started, so we weren't able
to participate in it. Oh well. School is almost over, and then comes
summer. then school, and then summer.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

ninety nine

wanting to just rest, waiting on being blessed.
looking back, seeing the choices made... their impact starting to fade
thinking too much, or just not doing enough, you call the bluff.
we see how things start to come together, when things seem to be
falling apart.
the master plan is finally laid out, and directions given a direct route.
so let's pick up our packs, and head on out.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Since I have Nothing Better To Be Doing

I've decided that I'm going to take some time to sum
up how junior year has been for me. It's 6 months into the
almost ending school year, and it has been probably
the most boring of my high school years to date.
This year has been full of classes that I don't
really need to take, teachers that don't really
need to teach, and people that are still coming
to realize who they really are. There was a very
low point for me and that was around the time of
winter break. My dog died on the friday before we
got off to break, our car got broken into on new
year's eve, and our house got broken into around
the middle of January. Personal problems also
arose, but they were just thorns in my side
compared to those bigger issues. These problems
just kept on piling after another, and I kept
asking myself, "Do I really deserve this?". Now
that I look back and really think about it,
I was completely off track with God, and my
spiritual walk was drained. I had no sense
of direction and no sense of reality. Things
are starting to get a little more clear for me,
but some things are still very hazy. I can't
seem to understand God's reasoning for whatever
happens in my life, but I've learned that I need
to follow with faith. Now faith itself is simply
meaning to have a firm belief in something for
which there is no proof. It also means to have
complete trust. So "living by faith and not by sight"
can mean that you have to give up holding onto the
world, and just being in it. It can mean turning
from your old self, and completely surrendering
to God's hand and will. It can mean something
as simple as trusting that God will help
you to pass your permit test. For me, I think
that I need prayer and faith the most at the
moment. It's going to be rough and a constant
challenge to grow in my faith, but I know for
a fact that when I've felt that I reached a
goal, God will present me with an even harder
goal. This is how I see God. He never stops
loving you and never stops to amaze you.
Right when you think that you're finished with
something, God gives you a huge second helping to
finish. Now I keep forgetting that it's not me
who's going to be rewarded. It's all for God's
glory. So this week, my goal is to really apply
myself and do QT twice a day, and to pray.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

ninety seven

If you don't want to get on my bad side, please never waste my time.

other than that, you'll be okay.