Wednesday, February 25, 2009

nine 6

Listening to some old songs bring back
really good memories for me. I like
motion city again. I need to get a
list of what I need to get done.

Distribute money accordingly to things
that I really want.
1) dd7 delay pedal
2) patch cables
3)super compressor pedal
4)sell shoes to make money
5) possibly buy more shoes

Monday, February 23, 2009

90 five

Always be grateful for life.
A lot of people that I know
really don't know that I was born
January 23, 1992 2 and 1/2 months premature.
A lot of people don't know that I had stitches
next to my right temple and that I had to be in
an incubator. They always ask, "Is that a part of
your hair cut? hahaha man someone must've not liked you."
A lot of people don't know that I have a huge
scar that's running across my lower left rib cage.
I take a lot of things for granted and I should be
thankful for being where I am. Thank you God.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


It's very hard to sit here
and realize that season's really over.
All the hard work, sweat, and frustration
that's gone into those long and very tiring
four months has come to an end. Sure I didn't
get to wrestle at MVAL's, but I'm okay with
the season ending at that. It's been really hard
but I've come out with my head up. I can say that
I finally finished what I wanted to do. I know
I won't have any regrets. There were a lot of
moments to be remembered and people I probably
won't end up forgetting. I'm grateful for them
and I'm grateful for being a part of the team.
It's gonna be weird, coming home at 3 pm and
not having to worry about my weight, or
what i'm going to be eating. It's going to be
weird, finally focusing just on school and
being around the same people. I guess that
things turned out pretty good for me this year.
without wrestling, I'd still be 168+, really lazy,
grumpy, unhappy, and unmotivated. Now I'm 142, happy,
motivated, and very focused. I really have to get back
into the Word. Life's been really challenging for me.

prayer request- for me to start reading the Word more
diligently, and to take time out of my day to focus
on prayer.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

93 93 93

IM DONE!!!!! pretty okay season for me this year.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

almost at 100, and some good news

good news is that I don't have mono. I should be getting better within the week, at the latest, next week.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


still sick. got antibiotics, and more medicine. can't wrestle anymore. great way to end season huh?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Sometimes I do...

So I've been sick for the past 4 weeks. It SUCKS.
This is the longest I've been sick in my life.
:( cheer me up.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Giver

The Giver is an interesting book. it's set in a future utopia, where life is seemingly perfect.
They get pills that suppress emotions.
and they ride bikes.
and they eat pills to get rid of pain.
and they get jobs assigned to them after 6th grade.
and they have some old guy, who takes in all the emotion
and pain
and past history.
he gives it to some kid
and the kid runs away.
great book huh?

anyways I think I wanna read the sequel which was released in 2004. 6 years after the first book was published.
today i went to the hospital to get some antibiotics
or anything to help me feel better,
but all they did was write down some
otc drugs. some help. I wish i had some eagle powers.
those eggs were a lie stevens.

edit) I have peace of mind. right now, I'm very
relaxed. my fingers are cold as I'm typing. things
don't turn out the way you want them to, but
as long as it's the truth, that's what matters.
that's in a song by relient k.
but other than that, there isn't much to do
except keep my head up and move forward. sum up the week so far, it's been
very much like a roller coaster. a lot
of ups and downs, but as of right now, it's looking up.
I have peace of mind. I think this is patience.
Now I could be wrong, and just have endorphins running all
through my body, or I can accept this as patience
from God. For those strangers or just really
nosy (just kidding) people who like reading my blog,
hope you're enjoying it. I know I'm happy with
where things are. At least, I will be.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


you have to go through tribulations before you gain patience.
I just realized that I try to handle everything by myself.
I never really turn to God and ask for him to help.
That's why I usually break down, and end up building
back up from scratch. From now on, I need to really start
relying on others, but more importantly, on God.

On a lighter note, let's finish wrestling strong! only two more weeks to go, and then FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM.

Monday, February 9, 2009


It's really cold tonight. I wish my window was fixed, and I had a dog.
Then there would have never been a break in. speaking of break ins
You should watch Dane Cook B&E. it's quite hilarious. I'll update the blog
later. My cough is clearing up and my nose is getting less stuffy.
today I had a stuffy nose, but also a runny nose. It was very rare. Someone doesn't
think it's possible, but I will reassure you that it is.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

how funny

some people just have all the luck. I wonder why some people
just have all the luck, and nothing ever goes wrong for them.
Are they behaving a certain way or saying certain things
that make them that way? I don't really know, and I have
this void in my heart. It's constantly pointing out,
that I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't say anything
or provoke anyone. So why does it feel so unfair? Maybe
this is just a blessing in disguise. A good friend of mine
pointed that out to me. I don't know, I guess it's kinda hard
for me to really put that into context. I feel that I was
targeted in some way. Okay, it just happened to be my room
that they broke into, and then just left without taking anything.
I'm glad that they didn't take anything, but I still feel like
everything was unfair. A blessing in disguise.....I can't really
say that I see the blessing in that, but then again, I'm very
short-sighted when it comes to seeing goals. I'm selfish, impatient
naive, and stubborn, but God still loves me. I hope you know that
He loves you too.

I still miss my dog.

Friday, February 6, 2009

real bad luck

I come home, find my window broken, smashed. My house gets broken into, muddy foot prints all over my room. Cops still aren't here. I'm freaked out. They didn't take anything....but still.

Monday, February 2, 2009


post. Life is pretty good right now. A lot of things are winding down, and I'm very relaxed. I don't really have a lot to say, but there isn't much to fill in either.

I miss my dog.