Tuesday, May 4, 2010

by your side

It's only 30 days until Graduation.
A long waited dream (johnny -_-) that feels so unreal.
Before I know it, I'll be leaving an environment that
has been so welcoming to me for the past four years
and enter another that will leave me unresolved.
I've recently come to a decision that will be a very
very big commitment for me. I honestly went on a whim.
Maybe you can call it a push from the Holy Spirit, but
I'm willing. With that coming ahead, I can only hold on.
By taking this step of faith, I know God is going to do
something incredible. Yet, why do I feel so unsure and lost?
With every step that I take, I continue to feel surrounded
and that much more distorted. It's time that I allow the
light to shine again. We weren't created to hide that light
and we weren't created to create a glare or distort that image.

So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. Philippians 2:15

As the months pass by and as I get closer to this goal, I'll stand
by this verse and hold on. no matter what happens, all I can do is
hold on to the only constant thing in my life. My relationship
with my Lord and Savior: Jesus Christ.

Dear God,
Please help me to hold onto you. No matter how things
may turn out, I trust in you. You've been so good to me and
proven yourself to me over and over again, when it wasn't even
necessary. Lord, just help me to become an empty vessel for you
and to do your works. In Jesus' name I pray,

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