Tuesday, September 30, 2008

attack of stress from outer space!

Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by school work, social life, and other things that tie in, but somehow I manage to get through it alright. I might not turn to God for help sometimes, but He still turns me around in some way and gives me a chance to really just reflect. It's like when you fall so far away and when you think you've reached rock bottom, God steps in and everything in your life just seems to turn around.

When I used to get REALLY sick, to the point of delirium, it was really bad. I'd have a high fever, sleep most of the day, and what got really scary was that when I was sick, I'd see and hear things in really fast motion. like people would be blurs and words would be jumbled. That's kinda how life feels right now. It's gonna clear up and get better just like it does when I'm sick, so just gotta deal with it for now right? Stay focused and work for what you earn.

Monday, September 29, 2008





Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Looking into the shaded reflection of one's hands
seeing the marks left and calluses formed over by time
feeling reality slip while your sanity still stands.
Staring into eyes that seem to drop rather than climb


:( I gotta keep going back to Edwards.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Got my wrestling shoes, but I wish i got red or blue instead of black :[, and I got $277. just gotta serve my appointment for edwards tomorrow and i'm good for the week.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Today just wasn't my day.

I hate it when someone thinks that they're better than you or when they think that they can assume things that aren't even true. Some people can't even take a hint, when you're telling them that you don't want to talk to them. forget it. I'm too tired to even start.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Only you and me

Guilt trips.

When you get scolded or lectured, doesn't it seem like you've heard it a million times? I don't know, but sometimes for me at least, I feel that if it's so easy to fall and slip, why are we forgiven and allowed to keep on living like we do? Part of me wants to blame the Devil, and part of me wants to blame myself for being so weak and close-minded. It's true for me to say that both of those things hinder me from being used by God to do his will. The amazing thing is, even when things seem to be at it's worst, God steps in and leads me home.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Stephen Colbert is a genius. So I haven't had a computer for the past two days. It broke on tuesday cause I tried to connect a scanner, and didn't install the program.....so I got the blue screen of death. A very sad day indeed. After my crying and mourning, I turned it into the hands of Joylap. then I went to practice bball. I met some interesting people. I scored the game winning shot with a 3 pointer :] by luck -_- but whatever. then played bball again the next day. Today I went, and today was not my day. I missed a lot. I got into photo! so happy. I left my starcraft cd in my old dell which is currently at Joylap -_-. I hope I can get it tomorrow. So basically what ended up happening was that my old dell was pretty much bleh, but I was able to transfer all the important word documents, pictures, and music that I needed into this new computer. Only down side is that the fan sucks. maybe needs a graphics card. So when I got the computer today, it didn't work cause one wire wasn't connected. I was furious. anyways whatever. I forgot what I was going to add....oh my classes are pretty cool. My ID card is pretty bleh. lol :D I just realized how big the tower is for my desktop. I feel productive.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Oh Happy Day

School is fun! hahaha it's been pretty good for the past three days. hopefully it'll be the same for the whole school year. Praise bands getting better. My spiritual walk is too. I can't wait till winter retreat. I reallllllly wanna start photography. need to switch out of spanish 3 asap. i feel bad :[. this week is gonna be good.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I just found out the guy that sold me the pedal at guitarcenter wrote the wrong address. STUPID! hahahaha My address is supposed to be riverbend, but he put riverbent -_-. hopefully they didn't ship it out yet. -_-


I went to the labor day sale on monday at guitar center and did some thinking. I know that I want a les paul, but what's the point? sure it's a new guitar, better pickups, great looks, and a superb tone...but it's just a guitar you know? I have 3 guitars. 2 electric, and one acoustic/electric. I bought $60 worth of strings and a guitar pedal. it still hasn't come yet.