Saturday, December 11, 2010

Long time no C

It's been a (wh)ile. To sum things up, it's been a crazy
semester. Can't believe the first semester of college is
over for me. I'm just glad that I'll be done soon. One
thing that I constantly overlook, is just the fact that
I'm in college. I guess, it's not really that much
of a step up from high school, but as I become surrounded
by different groups of people and different lifestyles...
I'm slowly beginning to get a feel for this "college" thing.

To be honest, it hurts me when you intentionally avoid me.
Yeah, maybe that's how it should be, but oh well.

Anyways, I keep getting stuck in this rut. It buries me deeper
and deeper and before I know it....I'm back to where I started.
Stop trying to make your friendship something more than it is.
Get over the fact that maybe it's just not right for you.
Be content and leave it at that. Second semester is coming up
so get ready and be prepared. It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but
do your best to trek along. Please take some time out to reflect
and get on the right track.

Something that I've heard over the weekend was "When Satan reminds you
of your past, you remind him of HIS future." Guilt can break you down
before you even realize it, but thanks to Rico's sermon, I don't have
to let it get to me.

Rushing through the fine breeze and winding down these halls
we both look into a window to find hidden walls
All along these windows have been shut before your eyes
until we went hand in hand and took off this disguise
no need to hold on now and let words fall into empty space
just follow me and I'll set pace
to where we'll end up no one knows
it's fine as long as the wind blows
into these halls filling our lungs
oh look, the passing bell has finally rung.

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