Monday, November 30, 2009

The simplicity with one

I need consistency. Please.....Graduation come soon.

It's shifting.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


college applications are difficult.
I'm hoping that I'll have a lot of more
free time once winter break comes along.
After winter break, I'm only looking forward
to my birthday and graduation. Oh...and getting
a car in March. -_- I guess it's better sooner than later.

It's getting numb.

Monday, November 23, 2009

sunny with a high

It's thanksgiving break and I'm stuck at home.
It's not a bad thing...considering that I have to
finish up my UC apps. Today's the first day that I've
been home alone, since my relatives from Korea came.
It feels good to be able to have a quiet house.
I don't know what the upcoming months of school
have in store for me, but all I know is that
I'll be ready for whatever comes my way.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

cough syrup

I'm glad it's almost thanksgiving break.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

waste away

The only way to carry this on is to listen
and try my best to hold it in. To find myself
wanting to only say words that lost meaning.
To find myself wanting to hold on for one
thing. Maybe the only way to carry this on
is to listen to words that won't fall
upon deaf ears. I only hope you know, that
every word you say will not fall upon deaf
ears and it'll continue to drive me insane.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


let's stare into this space and take it apart
Finding the wishes, regrets, and where it all starts
tearing apart from the delicate web it's formed
words falling onto a dark velvet robe, ready to be worn
by the exact owner that takes up a mask
not wanting to be known or asked
of what they're hiding
quite obvious of what's lying
beneath the very mask is a reflection
staring back with a gaze of correction
only to be fond of what the image holds
how beauty is found within the eyes of the old
these eyes captivate as well as perplex
trying to make sense of what's so complex
the shutter clicks and the lens blink
catching a perfect scene while feeling a bit pink
embarrassed by those staring around
suddenly realizing the faint sound
calling out and beckoning to come
dropping all that's lost and done
the mask comes off and the breeze is fine
words now escape and form into a line
making a simple sentence that can be heard
"I'm ready to learn"
These simple words mean a new start
what's complex is now pulled apart
taking off all that holds down
reaching up over the top and looking around
An eye holds a captivating gaze
stopping all motion as the world sways
It blinks once and all is ready
focus now and make it steady
look back into this space find all that's apart
funny to think that took place in a heart

Monday, November 2, 2009

extra hour

I'm so happy that Day Light Savings was yesterday.
I get an extra hour of sleep. I don't feel as
drained throughout the day. The only downside
at least for today....was that school got out
two minutes later than regular time. Before,
our school time would be faster than regular...
but today it was about major
lag. I want a car.....and I feel that I need a
car. It would make my life much easier, if I didn't
have to wait for a ride, or leave somewhere really
early because I wouldn't have a ride later on. My
friends wouldn't have to be in the same boat as me.
speaking of I saw the "IM ON A BOAT"
shirt at Journey's....and considered purchasing
the "Jesus Is My Homeboy" shirt. I would like to
have a job right now. I need to start on my
personal statement. I have cravings for candy...
at school. I love candy. I shall update this more
later on during the week. I miss you.