Saturday, November 29, 2008

Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis

So this week was thanksgiving. I had a very relaxing break. There were some problems here and there, but overall it was pretty good. Had practice from mon-wed, and didn't do much except call up Kev and chill at union landing. Thanksgiving was pretty fun. Didn't have the whole family there, missing couple people, but it was pretty cool. Had brother's friends come over from berkeley. fun fun. Friday I went biking over to Kev's. It was FREEZING. hahaha tip for anyone who goes exercising in the morning. Wear gloves, sweats, and a scarf. I had a sweatshirt, ipod, bike, and bball shorts. Bad choice. We biked over to Johnny's. Gave him a surprise room raiders visit. hahaha. Then Kevin and I went to shop at Valley Fair, but went to go visit his relative first. We drove around.........for at least an hour and half. His sister got lost, and we found a secret house like in Harry Potter. hahaha just kidding. It was the wrong number address. After that pleasant experience, we went to Vally Fair. I was walking around with Kev, and we went to random stores. Saw Olivia. Wasn't really the most comfortable situation. I know that she saw the message. If she won't answer, then I don't really care. After I saw her, we went to newpark for a little bit. I bought airmaxes from vf. When we got to newpark, some punks pushed their friend into me on purpose. From the earlier experience with Olivia, I was already mad. I just mugged them and let my anger loose on Kevin. just kidding. It was a pretty bad day and I was in rage mode. We got home, and biked around UC for a bit. It helped me get my mind off things. It was pretty relaxing. Went to church, and went ice skating with the kids. Pretty fun day. Came home. I was supposed to wake up at 7:20 and bike over to Kevins. I did wake up on time, but I looked outside and saw that it was hella foggy, so I changed my mind. hahaha. Then he called me around 9 ish and I was in zombie mode. Went to church, and had a pretty stressful day today. Things really weren't going how they were supposed to, but I got things done. Stayed at church for the entire day, played ball. Got home and ate food. Here I am. I'm thinking of going inside my garage and pumping my bike tires. Maybe go biking outside, but it'll probably be freezing. hahaha well I won't be updating for a while, since I'm gonna be busy with school and all, but I hope that all is well for you. Things will get better for me.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The mind

I think I'm going insane in the membrane.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

PostSecret Project @ AHS

Go at lunch to SAC and look at them. Maybe it'll motivate you to make one, or reach out and get to know someone new. I know it did for me.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Life is a weird word. Things are going very well for me right now. I'm truly thankful for everything in my life. Sure...there are times when I just want to take a break. I want to relax, and forget about school, friends, church, and family....but I don't have to. Ever since I went to six flags, everything's been sort of falling into place for me. Things are really looking up. Even when I get stressed out, it isn't as bad as before. Couple months ago, I'd be going crazy and like yelling 24/7. Right now, I just relax and think things through. I get my stuff done. I don't really complain anymore. I'm really hoping that my attitude will remain the same all throughout the school year. Junior year is tough, but I'm hoping to get through it with no problems. As for friends....I can honestly say that I trust no one. Within the school circle, maybe two or three have my complete trust, but that's it. I'm tired of all the fake attitudes and friendships. Who cares what people think? When they talk behind your back, are they really worth trying to stay friends with? In the long run, NONE of them are going to try and maintain the friendship. Maybe 1 out of 100 will, but that's it. Find people who care about you and who accept you as you are. It might sound hella cliche, but it's true. You can ignore my ranting about friends, since I have a very personal experience from it. God provides. that's all I'm going to say.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008


So grades are looking really good for first quarter! Trying to keep it up throughout the school year. Wrestling starts monday. 3 more days. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Things are really chill right now. Hoping to keep it that way for a while. No worries, No struggles. Yeah I still fall and stumble, but who doesn't? That doesn't mean that I should keep on repeating the same mistakes. Things come and go, but if I don't take advantage of it, then I'll never know. Keep your head up kid.