Thursday, January 29, 2009

I got a way to let you know.

Hello. Since I'm way too distracted to be studying for finals, and since I don't really care anymore, I'll be updating my blog.
It's the end of January, the end of first semester, and the end to wrestling (almost).
Pretty crazy how fast time passes by. I'm looking forward to a lot of things ending. I know that sounds bad, but not from my perspective. To me, it's more like a new start for everything. I'm currently coughing every 2 minutes, and wearing my retainers. i have a huge lisp. Things have been getting better for me, but I want my life to be more eventful.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


status - QT last night and once in the morning today. Keep it consistent!

Monday, January 19, 2009


As I'm sitting here, wasting time, I'm feeling very relaxed. haha I know that wasting time is never good, but it's been a long time since I've felt at ease. I should be studying for SAT's, which I will be taking this saturday, and doing my homework. I should also be studying for my physics test this wednesday, and getting ready for finals next week....but knowing me, I'm gonna put it off until later. Hopefully not too late. I've done that too many times. hahah. Goal for this week - QT 2X a day. and real QT, not just "open the bible, read one sentence, and then close it." Will be updated friday/saturday.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The New Year

The new year is starting off very slow, but before I know it, it's going to be June. Seniors will be graduating and I'll be a senior soon. It's been pretty rough, these past few months. I've gone through a lot, and I'm hoping to go through more. I feel like I'm not being challenged enough and nothing serious ever comes to mind. It's like I have a plan to do something useful for my life, but it kinda goes to the back of my head and I just focus on myself. I've come to realize how selfish I am. I take way too many things for granted as well as people. I need to take time to clear my head, get right on track, and relax. Just one more month to go!