Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bleeding Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee

that's the best song ever. The only thing that keeps ME going is seeing others who can't. It motivates me to do even more and to push myself because I know that I don't want to be the one who says "I can't." 11 MORE DAYS

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hello Hello

So things are going very well at the moment. Ranked 21 in physics out of like 33,34. Got my grade up a lot. Almost at a B. I've been reading a lot of books lately, but I don't know. Reading for fun is always more enjoyable/rewarding than reading for school. Only it okay to read for school. I love reading! I need a new bible. REMINDER TO SELF! buy it from amazon ftw. lol. I wanna learn more korean. SCHOOL IS DEEEEE BAEST! Halloween this year is GOING TO BE OH SO FUN! WILL POST UP PICTURES OF COSTUME FROM SCHOOL ON FRIDAY. prepare for glory. :D

Thursday, October 23, 2008


hahahahahahah too funny

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

my history teacher.

My history teacher is 5ft and 11 3/4 inches. My best friend thinks I have a teacher crush on her. I don't. She's too tall for me :[

phunnie post!

These pictures make me lol. It helps cheer me up :D

OH YEAH and I want these. Anyone wanna buy them for me?

But more on a serious note...
Today I saw Olivia...and was expecting a little more out of the conversation than "pretty beastlike." I saw her, asked her how she was, and how water polo was, and then she answered and left. Guess there isn't much to talk about anymore. Is that my fault? Probably. Do I wish that we still talked? Probably. Do I regret it? Probably.

Things in the past...should be in the past. Why bother bringing anything back up? Bury your hatchet.

Monday, October 20, 2008

So today in history class

It was a priceless moment. My best friend and I were talking about digimon, and how they were so cool. She said that they were hella stupid and unreal. I argued that the whole point was to make little children believe that they were real, so they could use their imaginations and then SHE SPIT/DROOLED AND LAUGHED LIKE THE DRAGON THING FROM JURASSIC PARK. You know....that monster thing that spans it's headwings and spits acid on you? lol yeah it was hella funny :]

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm good to go

Today was the 3 on 3 basketball tournament at New Life. It could've gone so much better, but due to certain circumstances, we lost all four games, and were the first team to get kicked out of the whole tournament. If I wanted to lose all four games, I'd rather go play for free than pay $60. Next time, I'm not sticking to the same team.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

woot spring break!

so today, youth group council and praise team went to Six Flags. It was a very very very fun and relaxing day. Yeah things have been really stressful and and hectic the past week or two, but I don't know. today I just forgot about everything and had fun. I didn't think once about praise team, church, school, friends, or anything until after we got out of the park. I think everyone needs a day off once in a while just to enjoy themselves. It helped me out a lot. I just have to think back on this every time things seem to get a little out of control, and just rely and trust in God that he'll provide a way.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

She paints me blue.

So ever get the feeling that you're way too nice? that you're taken advantage of all the time for being so nice? maybe it's just me, but I don't know. I really think I'm too nice for my own good. What do I get out of it? Who actually cares that I care? I'm just going to stop complaining, cause it's not going to solve anything or get me anywhere. hope everyone is having a good week.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


trance all day everyday.

Monday, October 6, 2008


So many things cluttered and held in
wanting to be released all from a simple whim.
seeing from your perspective and knowing well
that things will change, waiting to tell
when the moment is right and everything is fine
face it. it won't be, so don't waste anymore time.
get all that you need in order and on the dot.
hurry and rush before it's all gone.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1st, 2008

It's only a month into school. If I really plan to manage school, church, and wrestling, then I need to get my act together. Stay focused,work for what you earn, and just keep the goal in sight.